
There is Hope for the Future*

早前因報讀了中神以賽亞書的延伸課程而讀起以賽亞書來。今早讀到51章,有以下的一段經文 (NET Bible):

12 “I, I am the one who consoles you.
Why are you afraid of mortal men,
of mere human beings who are as short-lived as grass?

13 Why do you forget the Lord, who made you,
who stretched out the sky
and founded the earth?
Why do you constantly tremble all day long
at the anger of the oppressor,
when he makes plans to destroy?
Where is the anger of the oppressor?

昨天剛巧讀到龔立人的一篇blog post: 《如何過荒謬的日子?》想著這一些,又令我記起一首歌,電影 The Prince of Egypt 中的 Through Heaven's Eyes:


*- 標題是NET Bible 以賽亞書51章的標題。太耐冇寫,不知如何定這篇的題目。