Mr Cellophane 是Chicago 這套音樂劇內的其中一首歌。當年Chicago在港上演,我和娘子一同去看。來到今天,僅有的印象有三:All that Jazz 這首歌,那個一邊吹trumpet 一邊踢腿的肥佬樂手,還有那個有點瘦削的演出者一邊擺動身子一邊唱這首 Mr Cellophane。反而其他的勁歌熱舞,我是絲毫沒有印象。
If someone stood up in a crowd那個演員很能把那種從小便被忽視的人的無奈,透過歌聲和身體語言表達出來。事實上,當謝謝時,他這個配角所得的掌聲並不比其他主要角色少,可見他的表演很得大家的認同。印象深刻,是基於對弱者的同情,還是對角色有共鳴,我想是兩樣都有吧。
And raised his voice up way out loud
And waved his arm
And shook his leg
You'd notice him
If someone in a movie show
Yelled "fired in the second row,
This whole place is a powder keg!"
You'd notice him
And even without clucking like a hen
Everyone gets noticed, now and then,
Unless, of course, that personage should be
Invisible, inconsequential me!
Mister cellophane
Should have been my name !!!!
Mister cellophane
'cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I'm there!
I tell ya
Mister cellophane
Should have been my name
Mister cellophane
'cause you can look right through me walk right by me
And never know I'm there. . .
Suppose you was a little cat
Residin' in a person's flat
Who fed you fish and scratched your ears?
You'd notice him
Suppose you was a woman wed
And sleepin' in a double bed beside one man for seven years
You'd notice him
A human being's made of more than air
With all that bulk, you're bound to see him there
Unless that human bein' next to you
Is unimpressive, undistinguished
You know who. . .
Should have been my name
Mister cellophane
'cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I'm there
I tell ya
Mister cellophane
Should have been my name
Mister cellophane
'cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I'm there
Never even know I'm there
看過youtube 上不同版本的演譯,包括電影版,始終找不回那種感覺。
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