今天從另一個角度去看這個問題:You are what you read. 我所看的,聽的,吸收的,決定了我是什麼樣的人。
回想小孩子時,不計卡通片,最深印象的電視片集,並不是TVB的劇集,而是 Mr. Belvedere. 這套應是我第一套定期看的Sitcom. 小孩子時,對英美間的文化衝突並沒有太多認識,只是覺得故事很有趣,很好笑。另一套自己十分喜歡的電視節目是 Muppet Show,很佩服外國人的創意,單單是Opening/Ending便已可集集不同,次次搞笑。相反,印象中,由於晚上家中的電視通常是不會開的,對於「陪伴香港人成長」的歡樂今宵,我可是一點印象也沒有。
4 則留言:
What makes you suddenly think of your identity? The mess caused by the milk formula? Anxiety & stress at work? Dissatisfaction with life? Or what>
The important thing is to reflect & find out. Then pray about it. Make friends with your own self. This is what stimulates you to grow in the Lord. Do not let these things pass by without dealing with them seriously. P4U.
What makes me think of my identity? I am now living in a city which I grow up. Yet, I feel that there is nothing I can do to help making it a home I would feel comfortable dwelling in. Am I belonging to here? If yes, does this place welcome me and my thinking.
I feel this city is drifting to a direction that I would hate to stay. That's why I need to find out my identity, and decide what I have to do next.
? middle-age crisis ? Everyone have it.it needs help to get over it. It's good that u voice it out. Heavy workload,baby,family will add to your load. Welcome to share it load but face it and not bypass it. We are here to help and share. Don't be afraid to ask. Always be with u.Do have faith and courage.
The world has never been a "good" place to stay since man sinned. A good look at history will prove this saying. However, this "nasty" place is the only place that any human can dwell in. Besides, the presence of the Lord and His grace has made it not only inhabitable, but also "enjoyable".
Maybe you have been so overburdened you have totally forgotten the good times you've had in the past years. The city that we have been living in has never been heaven. It has become no more and no less good than it has ever been. The important thing is in "what" or in "whom" we ground our identity. I think you're in the midst of an "identity crisis" in terms of faith & personhood. It's both a blessing and a curse, but it sure is a time for reflection and growth. P4U.