- 星期四時去了娘子舅父的壽宴,晚了睡。我一但睡不夠,便會很容易打亂自己的生活節奏,叫自己更加疲累。
- 昨天去旺角聽關於培養幼兒閱讀習慣的講座,順便到電腦商場買了Western Digital 的 My Book Home Edition,貪其價錢便宜加上有Firewire 400。誰知買回家後才發現用Firewire 的話,iMac認不到它,查看了他們的Support 才知這是 known issue,但暫時並沒解決方法。這兩天便是不停找方法解決。
- Daniel 自從星期五晚起便要我伴着他睡,不論是午睡或是晚上,這件事以往通常都是娘子做,但這幾次他是不肯放我走,一定要我「拍pat」讓他睡,每次都起碼要半小時,晚上可用的時間便少了。
1 則留言:
Have you considered writing it down in your palm and then transferring it into your computer? I don't belong to the e-generation. That's why I still "write" journals so that I can capture the feelings while they are fresh.