



多一部電腦,要處理的事又多了不少,兩部電腦的連線是一樣,做Backup又是另一樣,再加上剛將iPod升上2.0,又心思思想試試MobileMe(我想將公司的行事歴同步至Macbook ),什麼是一闊三大,單單在電腦的事情上,便已體驗到。


2 則留言:

匿名 說...

good la.
do have fun.
have download all the songs into my computer. thanks for your help.
take care la. dad

匿名 說...

don't worry la,with God, U and me,I think we will workout sthg for him when time comes.
He is a bright child, I think he will solve his problem wisely (with His help - yours and mine will just assist).It is up to U now, I'll probably will not be here after 20-30 years. so equip yourself for the job. The method I'm using now is observe his behaviour, analyst it and digest it and assist him when required. He is trying out new techniques now,he doesn't know what is right or wrong. stopping him from doing so will be useless. protect him from danger and hurt then let him try. give positive comments rather than negative ones. I think this will help him a lot in his future. stopping him will sometimes just prevent him from doing so in front of you. He will definately try it again at your back without your notice. that is where the danger is.that is why I always let him try with my presence.
just share some ideas. hope u agree with me.