
Round 2 - 1:1

In the book 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management, the author mentioned that it takes 21 days to form a habit. So, to build my praying habit, I started to find a time slot and place to pray yesterday.

Round 1 (11/8): It was miserable. I fell so hard spiritually that I dare not open the computer and write down the result. One of the reasons is I was not feeling well. In any case, the result was 0:1. No prayer made.

Today, I woke before the alarm was on. I manage to spare some time and have a short prayer in the morning. This is the time slot that I find most suitable for praying, when no body is around and my mind starts to wake up and plan for the day. Thus far, the result is 1:1.

So, my prayer is eventually I can build up a habit of praying at the beginning of the day.

2 則留言:

Unknown 說...



Keep up the good work.


匿名 說...

there is also a boy in every man. Therefore son just don't worry, just don't over do it. He will show U the right way in the right time.
As for B, just don't worry, He will look after him , same as He take care of U all when you were young and under our care. just help him and guide him but not order him. Observe him and give him support when necessary, keep him away from visible danger.