





2 則留言:

Unknown 說...

Happy Birthday son. Your arrival has been such a great gift to us, much more than anything else the Lord has given us apart from His grace, of course.

It's hard to believe that 35 years has passed & that you've brought Daniel, another treasure to the family. Don't burden your yourself too much by being a role model. We can only do our best & leave the rest to the Lord. I, too, have done many wrong things (although I've done good things as well). But both of you have turned out fine, loving the Lord, honest & kind & caring. I'm sure that you also find life abundant, meaningful and worth living. These are all gifts. So remember to pray for Daniel, as I prayed for you both. That's the most important thing we should do as parents.

Much love,

匿名 說...

just keep going. you are on the right track now. B will follow your step if you give him care and love and concern.
just keep it up.