

  1. 覺得中國的下一代是有希望的.當在上的執行所謂「整治互聯網低俗之風專項行動」時,他們創作、推動了「草泥馬」;當那日子是一個禁忌時,他們有 VIIV,5月35日,和 6+4=20.看似消極,但見堅持.
  2. Manager和一般員工的分別:當我不停地計算怎樣將一些我認為緊急的工作擠入日程時,manager一句有冇 work around,便將先後次序重新排好。我之前的煩惱是枉然的。
    會想,與其說要學 self-help/life management,我覺得更像神和人之間的差別:我們以為生命中很重要的事,神一看,便能點出什麼才是最重要的。

2 則留言:

Unknown 說...

That's why "space" is of utmost importance. If one doesn't have space, one's mind & soul will be all locked up. Nothing new can "seep" in. Even one's thinking & planning will be lop-sided.

You should learn management skills from your dad, who has been praised by his colleagues as a "marvelous" boss & manager.

匿名 說...

haha, Son
There is always crash in Manger and Worker mode of thinking. they think in different ways. Manager think in 2 ways - his and his men. Worker thinks in only 1 way i.e. his own way ( including benefit and how useless his boss is - sometimes.) Thus we always heard worker complaining his boss this and that. Then Manager vise versa. Thus communication between both of them is a must ( in a tactful way). There is always a lot to learn. But the must important thing is listen in a passive way. Forget your emotion but think in his way. Why?
well, son, this is difficult because it involves one character. HAHAHA .....