
Spritual child upbringing

One of the great things to have a iPhone with a data plan is: You can read the Bible. Not just one Bible, but multiple versions of the Bible, including NIV and the Message. What's more, it is free!

These 2 mornings, I have been reading Romans 14 and 15, which talks about those who are strong in faith "... ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves." (15:1) We shouldn't do things that would cause someone else to stumble. What puzzled me is that if everybody in church act in this way, the church will become more and more conservative, because every one would try to refrain from doing things that may cause others to fail.

Tonight, I milked Esther, as usual. I thought about the passage again. When I looked at her, I found the answer. Of course, she will grow! I refrain myself from playing actual basketball with Daniel, because he is not physically prepared to bounce and throw the ball. He's just 2 1/2 years old. Instead, we would play something lighter and smaller to give him a sense of satisfaction when he can throw the little ball to the basketball. Similarly, we refrain ourselves from executing our freedom, not just for avoiding stumbling our brothers, but also for growing with him, hoping that one day he will be mature enough to enjoy the same freedom as we do.

Interesting. Being a dad and taking care of children help me to understand more about what being a Christian is about. May God humble me, and help me to be a doer instead of a thinker, marveling at how wonderful His Word is.

1 則留言:

Unknown 說...

At last you've got it now that you are a father!
God would love us to live out His word rather than "knowing" it cognitively. In fact, in the Old Testament, "knowing" means having a very close relationship. Only through that can we "know" what He loves & "keeps His commandments" with a joyful & thankful heart.

God answers prayers. This I know. He has answered the prayers of a "repentant" mother.