

剛過的星期五不大開心。早上,一家人去了錦田鄉材俱樂部。快要回家時,Daniel 開始表現出不舒服的樣子,回到家裏後,變了一隻樹熊,不住按着下半身,要扭要哭。還好吃過午飯後回復正常,但已叫我和娘子心痛了個多小時。

下午,放下 Daniel 和娘子去訂造恤衫、西褲。回程時,收到 support call,立即回家準備。到最後,基本上是同事找出問題和解決方法,我並幫不了什麼忙。而叫我最不快的,是整件事,都是由於我的疏忽而引起的,事情是可以避免的。為user 和同事帶來不便,實在是十分抱歉。

我是很怕麻煩到別人的,但另一方面,我是一個比較 care free 的人,即不大細心,而且有時得過且過。結果,就是麻煩到人家而叫自己不開心。今早在家晒衫時,電視上正在播「女王直播室」,發覺自己有時的行為好像劇中的芽衣,雖未至於說謊,但有時會想含混過關。我想,若要自己的 career 再進一步,這種心態,一定要徹底改變。

不想多談今次的問題是什麼,只想在這裏提醒自己做 impact analysis 時一些基本要留意的地方(以下會以英文寫出,主要是留給自己看):
  1. If the change involves DB field, at least check all the tables and list out the possible fields affected.
  2. If the change involves other business areas, must send mail to notify all teams the change to at least keep them notified.
  3. In most of the cases, code study is needed. There are always minor business case that I miss out.
  4. Do not hurry to give an answer. Better be accurate than just quick.

5 則留言:

Family 說...


匿名 說...

good trust your team

Unknown 說...

Your blog 提醒我當年做事的時候,效率高,但不夠仔細。同樣,有一次因為沒有check清楚學生名字的正確「串」法,便將資料報上教署,害到副教長要多做很多不必要的工夫,自己非常內疚。自此之後,告訴自己「準確性」比效率更重要,因為可以免去更正、和麻煩別人所花的時間。

神學院給我們的訓練,也是 pay attention to details。感謝上主,仍然在改進中。Your awareness is the first step, I'm sure you will continue to improve, as your mom does. P4U.

Stephen 說...

So, this part of me is coming from mom. I do think that my current job provides me plenty of opportunities to polish my character. And I am thankful for that.

On the other hand, I think writing blog is a way I "redeem" myself, which is quite interesting.

Unknown 說...

I'm sure it must have come from me because your dad is a very meticulous person. He always has things figured out, including contingency plans, before execution. Vivian is more like him in this respect.

To me, "journal writing"(in your case writing blog) has been my "redemption". That's how I vent my grievances, face my failures, reflect on my incompetence(and there are many), come to terms with my limitations, etc. It has been proven by psychologists that people who write journals are more healthy mentally. Keep it up!