

Imagine you’re trying to control a teenager’s upbringing. The very idea of controlling your child ought to make you at least a little bit queasy. Yet the stakes for control couldn’t be higher. If you fail in your task, fail utterly, lives can be ruined. So, it’s absolutely essential that you not lose your grip entirely. You’re like a fencer who’s learning to hold his sword as though it were a bird: too tight and the bird will be injured; too loose and it will fly away.

Now apply “You can’t control what you can’t measure” to the teenager. Most things that really matter—honor, dignity, discipline, personality, grace under pressure, values, ethics, resourcefulness, loyalty, humor, kindness—aren’t measurable. You must steer your child as best you can without much metric feedback. It’s hard, but then parenting is hard. You get a little bit of measurement in the form of school grades, and you’re grateful for it. But you also know that your child’s math grade is a better indicator of achievement than his Spanish grade, because math understanding is easier to measure. And his “grade” in comportment is much more likely to tell you something about the teacher than about the child.

("Software Engineering: An Idea Whose Time Has Come And Gone?" by Tom DeMarco)

