
我最喜愛的詩歌 - Jesus Doesn't Care

在美留學時,加入了一些賣CD 的會,可以用低價買各類型的CD。如我沒有記錯,Point of GraceLife Love & Other Mysteries 是其中一隻。

可能是基於合唱團和詩班的訓練,我比較喜歡聽有和聲的音樂,故會選擇買組合的唱片多於個人專輯。買這隻CD 時根本不知 Point of Grace 是什麼。只見價錢平,可以一試。結果,這隻 CD 是我其中一隻至愛。

Jesus Doesn't Care 是碟中我最喜愛的兩首歌之一。歌詞如下:

You tell me no one would love you
If they could see deep inside
You say your friends might desert you
If they knew the truth you hide, well
There's one who knows you better than
You know yourself
And he still loves you more than anyone else

Jesus doesn't care what you've done before
How you've rebelled or slammed the door
No matter how far you've run or how long you've been untrue
Jesus doesn't care
He still offers forgiveness to you

For so long you've run from the Father
Into a life of sin
And each time He lovingly called you
You turned your back on Him
No matter if your failures are great or small
There's no way to hide them
He already know them all


How many tears will you cry
Till you cry out to the Father
An honest plea for mercy He will not deny
Trust Him and you're gonna find


這詩歌成為我在低谷時的提醒和盼望,相信無論在任何的景況,當我們回轉,來到主耶穌的懷中,祂必饒恕。Point of Grace 演繹這首歌時,那種有層次的編排,她們聲音的爆炸力,都很能把這信息敲進我的心中。


P.S. 如果想聽這首歌,可以問我借 CD,能力範圍內,定必借出。當然,有借有還。
