前一段時間看到刁民公園中提到 Charles Dickens 的 A Christmas Carol,是一篇關於聖誕的短篇故事。最近在iPhone 下載了來讀,不讀由自可,一讀,嘩!這麼多生字,句法又和現代的英文有出入,看了半篇,大概明白了內容,但完全不懂得欣賞作者的文筆,亦不覺得這樣的閱讀有趣。
自願看的書尚且如此,中學時被迫去看的書,便不消提了。我記得有一本書,書名叫 Of mice and man。為什麼會記得它呢?因為那是其中一本課程要求的讀物,我忘記了是完全沒有讀過,還是讀過但完全沒有印象,唯一記得的是媽媽告訴我,這是一本好書。
2 則留言:
I tried my very best to develop reading habit in you both because I myself enjoy reading. Reading has opened me to a whole new world, given me entirely different perspectives & equipped me to embrace new cultures, ideas etc.
But we are all different. You love symbols, numbers. That's why you're doing what you're doing. But then, because I showed you the importance of learning through reading, you both have got your Master degrees!
As much as I love reading, even now, I've never forced you to read. So just go to the library more often with Daniel. Let him pick what he likes to read. Read a little every day with him. Then leave the rest to God. He will take his little hand & lead him, just as He did to you both.
That's what we are planning to do. For now, he is not interested in going to library at all. But he likes story telling, which is a good beginning.