

寫這個Blog 時,並無想過要怎樣處理留言。基本上,我很歡迎任何人留言,作點交流。



不想規定必須用Google Account或Open ID,雖然,我相信大部份人都會有(只是他們不知道)。

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

曾經試過弄個google account, 結果弄到一頭煙, 結果放棄. 我和榭立很開心在這Blog分享你的點滴.另外,今天辛苦你了.

匿名 說...

The one regarding "In His Time" is me - your old mom!
I don't understand the computer, but the last time I left a comment it showed "Joan". So I thought I can continue to be anonymous. Next time I'll use "mom".

Unknown 說...

will try to amend. longing to see B' new hair cut. must be good.

Stephen 說...

To Sandy,
I can invite you to Gmail. Want one?

To mom,
The comment I talked about is from "無題(想不到如何點題)". Anyway, I think I can recognize your writing by your tone.